I've found a way to convert a math expression in infix notation into postfix notation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm) But then, how should I code to interpret the result expression?
Here's my idea:
For operand-only expressions:
For expressions with functions (sine, absolute value, signum...)
I'm now in a situation that I have not any environment to implement my ideas into a piece of code, thus I can only talk abstract.
Is this idea possible or not? If there can be improvements, please note them. References are also welcomed.
If you are presenting a piece of code, please change the code into words that everyone can understand. For example:
for (var i:int = 0; i < rpn.length; i++) {
if ("1234567890.".indexOf(rpn[i]) != -1) {
// do something...
for every element in the postfix result,
if the element is a number,
do something...
end if
end for
end ... is optional, though.
Usually this is the easy part... you just traverse your postfix expression from left to right. Each time you encounter a number, you push it on a stack. Each time you encounter an operator, you pop the relevant number of operands off the stack, compute the result, and push it on the stack.