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How do I set the AutoHotkey MsgBox taskbar icon?

I have some hotkeys in a script with a custom tray icon.

Menu Tray, Icon, my_hotkeys.ico

One of them shows a message box with an OK button and question mark icon.

MsgBox, 32, My Hotkeys, Hey, here's some info...

But, it has the default green H AutoHotkey image in the Windows taskbar. I've looked through all the Menu options. And the GUI command claims that it uses the Menu icon, if set. But I can't find anything specific to MsgBox. Is there any way to change the MsgBox icon to the same custom icon that I'm using in the system tray?


  • There are several possible solutions:

    • Create and show a Gui with +OwnDialogs before calling MsgBox.
    • Code your own MsgBox look-alike using the Gui commands.
    • Compile your script (convert to exe) with a custom icon.
    • Replace the icon resources in AutoHotkey.exe (affecting all scripts).
    • Set a timer before showing the MsgBox, then send WM_SETICON after it appears.
    • Hook creation of the MsgBox window to set the icon before the window is shown - example in C++.

    +OwnDialogs example:

    Menu Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 5  ; Folder icon
    Gui +OwnDialogs
    Gui Show           ; Since it has zero dimensions, it should be invisible.
    MsgBox Testing...