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Lua insert multiple variables into a table

My question is how (or if) you can insert two values into a lua table.

I got a function that returns (a variable number of values)

function a(x, y)
   return x, y

and another function that inserts that points into a table,

function b(x, y)
   table.insert(myTable, x, y)

So how can i make, that i can call function b with a variable number of arguments and insert them all into my table?


  • If the last parameter for your function is ... (called a vararg function), the Lua interpreter will place any extra arguments into .... You can convert it to a table using {...} and copy the keys/values into your global table named myTable. Here's what your function would look like:

    function b(...)
      for k, v in pairs({...}) do
        myTable[k] = v
    b(1, 2) -- {[1] = 1, [2] = 2} is added to myTable

    You should tweak the function depending on whether you want to replace, merge or append elements into myTable.