I'm trying to build a project with Xcode 4.5.1, created with Xcode 4.4, but I'm getting following error:
codesign_allocate: for architecture armv7 object: /Users/myUsername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyAPP-araevdowzmmoupfieakjpjmpsmhq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyAPP.app/MyAPP malformed object (unknown load command 36) /Users/myUsername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Can somebody help me please?
Thank you!
I still have this problem but only when compiling for iOS Device, not for the simulators. I'm not able to create an archive.
The problem was due to a "Run Script" in Build Phases I was forgotten....and that pointed to the old path /Developer
Delete your derived data, perform a clean build, and try again.
To delete your derived data, go to Organizer->Projects, and select `Delete...'
To do a clean build, select Project in Xcode, and select "Clean"
Update: Validating your project settings may help here also. Go to your Project file in Xcode and select it.
Update 2: Something seems to be interfering with codesign
, causing it to use an incorrect loading command. Maybe your old version of Xcode (4.4) left some artifacts behind, which is causing an old version of codesign
to be run. I'd suggest uninstalling any instances of Xcode you have, make sure they're all gone, then re-install the latest version.
Update 3: I'm at a loss, I've no idea what's going on. My last suggestion is to create a new Xcode project, and migrate your stuff over; something may have interfered with your build settings, which might be a case of looking for a needle in a haystack. Make sure you have the latest Xcode and OS X.