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Button label disappers after disable action

This is a very weird problem am facing


<input type="button" id="buttonobj" class="some class" value ="Button Name"/>



 $buttonObject = $('#buttonObj");


When I run this code and watch the HTML in firebug, am getting

<input type="button" id=buttonobj" class="some class" value =""/>

The value vanishes.

What does the disable do here. how can it change the value. Is it possible for a css to change a button value??

Am Using jQuery-ui


  • Finally found out the problem!

    No one answered the question

    What does the disable do here. how can it change the value. Is it possible for a css to change a button value??

    The answer, it was a custom made jQuery Ui. On calling button.disable function, it is implicitly setting these two classes

    ui-button-disabled ui-state-disabled

    Thanks for all solution here, but I know all those ways of doing. Since it was a code which I was taking over from some one , I was not supposed to change but just find , Why it was not working while it was being integrated