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SAS Proc Gchart Stacked area plot

Hi I have a problem creating a graph in SAS. my data is as follow: Date, comp_1,comp_2, comp_3, total_value. My data is sorted by dates. the variable comp_ represent the value of the company at a specific data. This is my code at the moment:

proc gplot data=dev2.Actionfinal2;
    plot (comp_1 comp_2 comp_3)*date 
         / overlay areas=3 vaxis=0 to 100000 by 20000;
    symbol1 i=join v= cv= ci=red;
    symbol2 i=join v= cv= ci=blue;
    symbol3 i=join v= cv= ci=green;

This graph show me the 3 companies value overlayed, but I want them stacked so I can see the total value of the companies for each dates. Do I need to reformat my data, what option can I use ?


  • You will need to create a new variable with the aggregated value of your three "comp" variables. See this SAS usage note with a great example. That should get you started and welcome to StackOverflow!

    UPDATE: I think I better understand the problem: you need to denormalize your data (turn the columns into observations). So try this:

    data test(keep=company value date);
      set dev2.Actionfinal2;
      company = 1; value = comp_1; output;
      company = 2; value = comp_2; output;
      company = 3; value = comp_3; output;
    proc sort data=test;
       by date company;
    data test2;
       set test;
          by date;
       if then new_y=0;
       new_y + value;
    symbol1 i=join v= cv= ci=red;
    symbol2 i=join v= cv= ci=blue;
    symbol3 i=join v= cv= ci=green;
    proc gplot data=test2;
        plot new_y*date=company 
             / areas=3 vaxis=0 to 100000 by 20000;