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Symfony sfGuard pull a field in a specific user's profile

I'm trying to have a "product" page display a specific user's blurb and picture. The code I have is below but it keeps pulling the currently logged on user's blurb and picture which is not what I want. As soon as I log out, I get the Call to a member function getBlurb() on a non-object error message. Is there a way to pull up a specific user's "blurb" and "Picture" fields?

public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->car = $this->getRoute()->getObject();
    $seller_id = $this->car->getSeller_id();
    $this->seller = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser($seller_id);
    $this->blurb = $this->seller->getBlurb();
    $this->picture = $this->seller->getPicture();


  • $this->seller is not an object because $this->getUser()->getGuardUser($seller_id); don't accept any parameters, it only retrieves current user. Look at that method definition at sfGuardSecurityUser.

    You have to do it like:

    Doctrine: $this->seller = $this->car->getSeller();

    Propel: $this->seller = SfGuardUserPeer::retrieveByPK($seller_id);