Abstract problem : I have a graph of about 250,000 nodes and the average connectivity is around 10. Finding a node's connections is a long process (10 seconds lets say). Saving a node to the database also takes about 10 seconds. I can check if a node is already present in the db very quickly. Allowing concurrency, but not having more than 10 long requests at a time, how would you traverse the graph to gain the highest coverage the quickest.
Concrete problem : I'm trying to scrape a website user pages. To discover new users I'm fetching the friend list from already known users. I've already imported about 10% of the graph but I keep getting stuck in cycles or using too much memory remembering too many nodes.
My current implementation :
def run() :
import_pool = ThreadPool(10)
user_pool = ThreadPool(1)
do_user("arcaneCoder", import_pool, user_pool)
def do_user(user, import_pool, user_pool) :
id = user
alias = models.Alias.get(id)
# if its been updates in the last 7 days
if alias and alias.modified + datetime.timedelta(days=7) > datetime.datetime.now() :
sys.stderr.write("Skipping: %s\n" % user)
else :
sys.stderr.write("Importing: %s\n" % user)
while import_pool.num_jobs() > 20 :
print "Too many queued jobs, sleeping"
import_pool.add_job(alias_view.import_id, [id], lambda rv : sys.stderr.write("Done Importing %s\n" % user))
sys.stderr.write("Crawling: %s\n" % user)
users = crawl(id, 5)
if len(users) >= 2 :
for user in random.sample(users, 2) :
if (user_pool.num_jobs() < 100) :
user_pool.add_job(do_user, [user, import_pool, user_pool])
def crawl(id, limit=50) :
'''returns the first 'limit' friends of a user'''
*not relevant*
Problems of current implementation :
So, marginal improvments are welcome, as well as full rewrites. Thanks!
To remember IDs of the users you've already visited, you need a map of a length of 250,000 integers. That's far from "too much". Just maintain such a map and only traverse through the edges that lead to the already undiscovered users, adding them to that map at the point of finding such edge.
As far I can see, you're close to implement Breadth-first search (BFS). Check google about the details of this algorithm. And, of course, do not forget about mutexes -- you'll need them.