Am using digitalpersona one touch for windows java edition, I captured a fingerprint template using an applet, the applet serialize the template then convert it from a byte array to a hexstring to display it in a hidden textbox and is sent to server side and stored in mysql. My code can retrieve the template,and convert it back to an array but i dont know how to deserialize it and create the template again:
Connection con = null;
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/biodb", "root", "1234");
PreparedStatement st;
st = con.prepareStatement("select template from login where username = ? ");
st.setString(1, username);
ResultSet result = st.executeQuery();
if ( { //.next() returns true if there is a next row returned by the query.
String dbTemplate = result.getString("template");
byte[] data = new byte[1];
data = hexStringToByteArray(dbTemplate);
DPFPTemplate t = DPFPGlobal.getTemplateFactory().createTemplate();
You have to create a matcher to compare the featureSet and the tmeplate, something like this:
DPFPVerification matcher = DPFPGlobal.getVerificationFactory().createVerification();
DPFPTemplate template = DPFPGlobal.getTemplateFactory().createTemplate();
DPFPVerificationResult result = matcher.verify(featureSet, template);