Does anybody know of a reporting tool that will allow me to build reports and charts from my own database?
A client is asking for a report builder that can be used by none technical business-type people. The idea is that we provide a data warehouse with a third party reporting solution built on top of it.
Ideally, this tool would be web based and would allow reports to be persisted/uploaded to a bespoke report management application.
This will ideally integrate with an environment.
Has anybody come across something like this?
What you are asking for is an ad-hoc reporting solution.
Don't confuse it with Transactional or dashboard solution.
ad-hoc reporting is used by Business/Data Analysts to answer their own questions.
These types of reports have a number of Business objects pre-built in them such as customers, sales and other required objects (Developers construct them ofcourse). What end user does is to drag them into report and apply filter on them to get the answer.
As far as I know, Pentaho offers ad-hoc reporting. Look at the following link: