I have a Conditional Outside a Channel entries tag which should determin if a Channel has 1. Entries at all, 2. Expired entries, 3. Closed entries:
I tried {if channel_short_name == "news"}
But somehow that returns the wrapped content no matter if entries are closed or expired.
The reason that I have the conditional is outside the channel tag is that I dont want to repeat the h2 tag.
{if there are a displayable entries in the "news" channel, display this whole package.}
<hr />
{exp:channel:entries channel="news" limit="2"}
<div class="entry panel">
{if news_full OR news_bild}
<div id="{entry_id}" class="toggleDiv">
{exp:ce_img:single src="{news_bild}" max_width="346" smart_scale="yes" alt="{name_orig}"}
<p><a class="show_hide" rel="#{entry_id}" href="#">Mehr…</a></p>
This brings me to another question:
Is it possible to set expired entries to "closed"?
The simplest option would be to move your header markup into a conditional that is only displayed with the first entry. If there are no results then the {exp:channel:entries}
tag will generate no output.
{exp:channel:entries channel="news" limit="2"}
{if count == '1'}
<hr />
<div class="entry panel">
{if news_full OR news_bild}
<div id="{entry_id}" class="toggleDiv">
{exp:ce_img:single src="{news_bild}" max_width="346" smart_scale="yes" alt="{name_orig}"}
<p><a class="show_hide" rel="#{entry_id}" href="#">Mehr…</a></p>
Is there any particular reason why you want to close expired entries? Unless you're using show_expired = 'yes'
all expired entries will behave as if they're closed anyway.