I'm trying to recreate the following syntax using squeel by using a loop:
WHERE season = "value" OR season IS NULL
I was able to get this far:
where do
((season == entry["season"]) | (season == nil)) &
((episode == entry["episode"]) | (episode == nil)) &
((imdb == entry["imdb"]) | (imdb == nil)) &
(YEAR(theatrical) == year)
However, the problem is I want to do it in a loop so I don't have to do conditionals for when the values are empty (for example if imdb doesn't have a value I wouldn't even use that line).
I have this:
entry = { "imdb"=>"0364725", "media"=>"DVD", "season"=>"1", ...}
entry.each do |k,v|
((k == v) | (k == nil))
But it does not put the field IS NULL
bit in the SQL.
If it's not possible with Squeel, might it be done with ActiveRecord?
Ultimately, I'm looking for a way to avoid having conditionals for those fields in the SQL. As I said above, if the field is empty I don't list them at all, but if it has a value I need to do the whole field = value OR field IS NULL
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The whole code I'm trying to use at the moment is this:
matches_found =
includes(:dvd_director, :dvd_upc, :dvd_series).limit(1).
where do
(title == title_to_search) &
entry.each { |k,v| ((k == v) | (k == nil)) }
Note that everything after the |
is getting ignored whether I use __send__(k)
or not.
More info:
One very strange thing is that if I use anything other than the k,v
it gets ignored. For example:
entry.each { |k,v| ((k == "bob") | (k == v)) }
"Bob" gets ignored! and the value (v) gets put into the SQL without the OR
In the end, the only solution I could come up with was to add nil
into the array itself for Squeel to process it properly:
entry.each do |k,v|
# we add a nill value so Squeel will do the OR field IS NULL
entry[k] = [v, nil] if k == "upc" || k == "asin" || k == "freebase" || k == "imdb"
This is ugly but it works. Now I'm sure there is a nicer way to write all those or's
in the 3rd line but that's another question :)