Working with the Grouplens Mahout example, I know that to know the suggested movies for a partucular user, I can call:
But... which command/url should I call to obtain a list of suggested movies for a new user? Or, also: if a known user has new movies to rate, I DON'T WANT to reload all the ratings.dat with the new movies scored by the user. Is there a command to use with RecommenderServlet that permits to know the new user's raccomandations "on the fly", so without edit and then reload the ratings.dat?
For example, if the userId=2 has two new ratings (4 and 5) for two movies (with ID 1611 and 2345), something as:,2345&newRatings=4,5
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance, Geltry
You might want to have a look at Myrrix, which is in some ways the evolution of the taste (aka recommendations) portion of Mahout.
The REST API states the kind of operations you can do with the serving layer component of Myrrix, which includes setting new preferences for users which get folded into the model and made available for use without having to reload the entire model (although eventually you should refresh the model).
I'm not saying what you want is not possible with Mahout, but it's just not as easy and convenient.