Search code examples

Can't extend KO mapping for more than one propery

KO beginner: In the following implementation of a search results module I map the searchData JSON array to my view model using the mapping plugin. I also created two extra properties to display a manipulated version of some of my data:

define('searchresults', ['ko', 'lodash', 'datacontext', 'moment'], function (ko, _, datacontext, moment) {

    var get = function (term) {
        amplify.request("appsearch", { 'searchterm': term }, function (searchData) {

            var viewModel = {};

            var mapping = {
                'untilNow' : {
                    create: function (options) {
                        var innerModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(;
                        innerModel.untilNow = moment(innerModel.lastSentDate()).fromNow();
                        return innerModel;
                'iconClass': {
                    create: function (options) {
                        var innerModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(;
                        innerModel.iconClass = "icon-" + innerModel.type();
                        return innerModel;

            viewModel.searchResults = ko.mapping.fromJS(searchData, mapping.untilNow);
    return {
        get: get

This gets called in order to populate the following template:

<div id="contacts" class="view animated fadeInLeft">

    <h3>Search results for {{#routeData}}{{term}}{{/routeData}}</h3>
    <ul data-bind="template: { name: 'searchresults-template', foreach: searchResults }"></ul>


<script type="text/html" id="searchresults-template">

    <!--<li data-bind="attr: {'class': iconClass}">-->
        <h4><span data-bind="text: type"></span></h4>
        <p><b>When created:</b> <span data-bind="text: untilNow"></span></p>
        <p><b>By:</b> <span data-bind="text: createdBy"></span></p>        
        <p><b>Company:</b> <span data-bind="text: company"></span></p>


    require(['searchresults'], function (searchresults) {
        var searchTerm = "{{#routeData}}{{term}}{{/routeData}}";

What I can't understand is:

  • Why in mapping.untilNow I can't just use mapping as apparently KO only expects an {}. Which consequently I can't use the iconClass as it becomes undefined.
  • What am I doing wrong that I have to repeat the innerModel implementation. How can I abstract that out of the properties KO style!
  • Also I find it a bit dodgy that I have to assign the ko.mapping to the viewModel.searchResults and not just the viewModel but its the only way I could have something for mt template to iterate through.

Am I not understanding some fundamental aspect of KO? Is this the right way to get data and apply it to a template and add some methods to manipulate parts of it?

Thanks a bunch

sample stream of of searchData:

        "type": "Campaign",
        "lastSentDate": "/Date(634873003155215782)/",
        "createdBy": "Stephen Parker",
        "company": "Virgin Media"
        "type": "Person",
        "lastSentDate": "/Date(1198908717056-0700)/",
        "createdBy": "John Smith",
        "company": "Concep LTD"
        "type": "Campaign",
        "lastSentDate": "\/Date(1239018869048)\/",
        "createdBy": "Stephen Parker",
        "company": "Virgin Media"
        "type": "Company",
        "lastSentDate": "/Date(1198908717056-0700)/",
        "createdBy": "Stephen Parker",
        "company": "Virgin Media"


  • define('searchresults', ['ko', 'lodash', 'datacontext', 'moment'], function (ko, _, datacontext, moment) {
        var get = function (term) {
            amplify.request("appsearch", { 'searchterm': term }, function (searchData) {
                var resultsItem = function (data) {
                    var self = this;
           = ko.observable(;
                    self.type = ko.observable(data.type);
                    self.lastSentDate = ko.observable(data.lastSentDate);
                    self.createdBy = ko.observable(data.createdBy);
           = ko.observable(;
                    self.untilNow = ko.computed(function () {
                        return moment(self.lastSentDate()).fromNow();
                    self.iconClass = ko.computed(function() {
                        return "icon-" + self.type().toLowerCase();
                var dataMappingOptions = {
                    key: function(data) {
                    create: function (options) {
                        return new resultsItem(;
                var viewModel = {
                    searchResults: ko.mapping.fromJS([])                
                ko.mapping.fromJS(searchData, dataMappingOptions, viewModel.searchResults);
        return {
            get: get