How do I parse a Xml String
with jOOx? The parse method accepts String uri, but not Xml String
Looks like you can do it using the JOOX
class and a StringReader. For example:
String xml = "<?xml version='1.0'?><root><child attr='attr' /></root>";
StringReader sr = new StringReader( xml );
Match m = JOOX.builder().parse( sr );
See the DocumentBuilder API, which JOOX uses.
You might have to convert the StringReader
to an InputSource
or equivalent, but that's a relatively trivial conversion. From the test case:
xmlExampleString = IOUtil.toString(JOOXTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/example.xml"));
xmlExampleDocument = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlExampleString.getBytes()));
In this case, you could write:
String xml = "<?xml version='1.0'?><root><child attr='attr' /></root>";
StringReader sr = new StringReader( xml );
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( new InputStreamReader( sr ) );
document = builder.parse( bais );
That should get you started. Note that there are probably simpler ways to convert a String to an input stream.