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How to config clients for a wcf service?

I am developing a wcf service . I have created two dll's one for message contracts and one for service contracts interfaces. I share these two dll's with server and client. I am not using AddServiceReference i am using ChannelFactory class to create proxies. Following is the code which i am using to create client proxies:

BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); 
EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri   ("http://localhost:8989/HelloService/"));
ChannelFactory<IHello> chanFac = new ChannelFactory<IHello>(binding, endpoint);
IHello clientProxy = chanFac.CreateChannel();

Now I have to create the binding and EndpointAddress in the code,what i want that this should come from app.config file , how can i do it so that i don't need to write binding and endpoint everytime in the code.... Any help is appreciated..


  • Use an app.config like this (when you use "Add Service Reference" from Visual Studio, VS will typically create this for you automatically - and you just need to tweak it to your needs):

                <binding name="UserNameSecurity">
                  <security mode="Message">
                    <message clientCredentialType="UserName"/>
                <endpoint address="http://localhost:8888/MyService" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                    bindingConfiguration="UserNameSecurity" contract="IMyService" />
                <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:8484/MyService/Mex" 
                          contract="IMetadataExchange" name="mexNetTcp" />

    The section and its possible values and subsection are well documented in the WCF configuration.

    Alternatively, in VS 2008 SP1, you can use the "WCF Service Configuration Editor" - see it in "Tools > WCF Service Configuration Editor".

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    It allows you to visually define and modify your client config settings. Once you've launched it from the Tools menu, after that, you can acutally even right-click on the app.config in your Solution Explorer and launch it from there (using that app.config as its basis).

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