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How to implement rate limiting using Redis

I use INCR and EXPIRE to implement rate limiting, e.g., 5 requests per minute:

if EXISTS counter
    count = INCR counter
    EXPIRE counter 60
    count = INCR counter

if count > 5
    print "Exceeded the limit"    

However, 5 requests can be sent at the last second minute one and 5 more requests at the first second of minute two, i.e., 10 requests in two seconds.

How can this problem be avoided?

Update: I came up with this list implementation. Is this a good way to do it?

times = LLEN counter
if times < 5
    LPUSH counter now()
    time = LINDEX counter -1
    if now() - time < 60
        print "Exceeded the limit"
        LPUSH counter now()
LTRIM counter 5


  • You could switch from "5 requests in the last minute" to "5 requests in minute x". By this it would be possible to do:

    counter = current_time # for example 15:03
    count = INCR counter
    EXPIRE counter 60 # just to make sure redis doesn't store it forever
    if count > 5
      print "Exceeded the limit"

    If you want to keep using "5 requests in the last minute", then you could do

    counter = # this is Ruby and it returns the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970
    key = "counter:" + counter
    INCR key
    EXPIRE key 60
    number_of_requests = KEYS "counter"*"
    if number_of_requests > 5
      print "Exceeded the limit"

    If you have production constraints (especially performance), it is not advised to use the KEYS keyword. We could use sets instead:

    counter = # this is Ruby and it returns the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970
    set = "my_set"
    SADD set counter 1
    members = SMEMBERS set
    # remove all set members which are older than 1 minute
    members {|member| SREM member if member[key] < ( - 60000) }
    if (SMEMBERS set).size > 5
      print "Exceeded the limit"

    This is all pseudo Ruby code, but should give you the idea.