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How to test the UI of an Eclipse Juno RCP

We're developing an Eclipse-based RCP. Recently we've updated to Eclipse Juno and currently we focus on quality, which of course brought automated tests into focus, since the application is quite big and the testing effort delays releases.

We're already writing JUnit tests, but I'm more interested in UI tests. With older Eclipses this would not be a problem. There are plenty of good test frameworks around. Unfortunately with Juno everything changed due to the added ability to switch out the default SWT UI by Swing or JavaFX (at least this is what I've understood about the changes causing problems)

So most of the test tools don't work properly anymore. From past experiences it seems that:

  • SWTBot seems to get not much love lately and is very unstable (can't find elements in certain versions)
  • Window Tester seems quite good, but has a lot of problems identifying an element during the test run (especially with pop-ups such as content assist or tool tips)
  • Apparently Froglogics Squish supports Juno, but since a license costs about 2,5k Euro I have to pass
  • The same seems to be the case for QF-Test (too expensive).
  • This leaves Jubula (or GUIDancer, which is the commercial Jubula), which we've tried in the past, but which had similar problems as Window Tester and SWTBot (unstable in terms of changes to the Eclipse platform and difficulties to detect some elements)

I need to know, which tool to focus on / trust in. Does anybody have experience with one of the tools or is even currently testing a Juno RCP (or Juno itself for that matter)? Or does anybody know how Eclipse tests their own platform (if they even do it atm)?

Searching for information related to "test", "Juno" and "UI/GUI" only brings up the commercial products.

For me it is important, to find a tool, where I can use the developed test cased even in future releases, which means: A framework project, which has some support of the community to be able to adapt quickly. Also it is important to also find stuff like tool-tips, overlays or content assists/suggestions) - similar to a Selenium compared to basic HTMLUnit.

At this point I don't even care too much about integration, reporting or compliance to standards..


  • I'd suggest you too look at Xored's Q7, which is used for GUI testing of some of Eclipse projects including Eclipse DLTK, Eclipse LDT, Eclipse Tigerstripe and the tool is just perfect : it let you develop dozens of UI tests per day per engineer, and do not have stability and incorrect-recording problems. It's designed specially and only to test Eclipse-based apps and obviously the best in the niche.

    However it costs money, which can be a blocker for you (like squish), but they have a free Community version, which is enough for most of use-cases. As well as those Xored guys just introduced pay-per-testexecution pricing model -- the tools will be free and you have to pay as you go only per tests executed monthly (less than 5000 is free). More about new model is here