I am using Date.js to support many cultures in my web app. The problem here is that date.js has code like this.
Date.prototype._toString = Date.prototype.toString;
Date.prototype.toString = function () {
//doing something
return this._toString();
when I use another culture file, it also contains this definition. so logically my doc has this
Date.prototype._toString = Date.prototype.toString;
Date.prototype.toString = function () {
//doing something
return this._toString();
Date.prototype._toString = Date.prototype.toString;
Date.prototype.toString = function () {
//doing something
return this._toString();
I am refering to both date.js and date-fr-FR.js in my web app.
The problem is when I use the toString function var d = new Date().toString();
it throws an Out of stack space
msg, because of the recursive calls. Is there any way to cache the
orginal Date object and rest it back, because i don't want to remove date.js from doc
Instead of including both date.js
and date-fr-FR.js
, you only need to include the fr-FR.js
file to change the culture, which you will find in the src/globalization folder in the Datejs-all-Alpha1.zip file. The fr-FR.js file only contains the culture specific data, and it should override what is already included in date.js, without redefining the functionality.