So far I've managed to connect to a Web Service and get my SoapObject response, but I'm having trouble narrowing down a good, clean way of parsing. Searching the Internet hasn't really yielded much results, everyone has a different way and different process usually geared towards their own Web Service making it a one time use type of solution. Basically, below is the response that I get from a Web Service
element=anyType{}; }; }; }; }; }; }; };
Login=CorrectLogin; Password=InCorrectPass; }; }; }; }
And basically I want to be able to parse out just the two important fields (Login and Password). From what I read I tried just iterating through the SoapObject response based on the property count but that doesn't seem to work. When I tried I get a property count of 2 for the response so instead I ended up doing some thing like this below:
SoapObject response=(SoapObject) envelope.getResponse();
if (response != null) {
Log.i("Message", "the response contains: " + response.toString());
SoapObject diffgram = (SoapObject) response.getProperty("diffgram");
SoapObject NewDataSet = (SoapObject) diffgram.getProperty("NewDataSet");
SoapObject RepInfo = (SoapObject) NewDataSet.getProperty("Rep_x0020_Information");
for (int i = 0; i < RepInfo.getPropertyCount(); i++) {
PropertyInfo info = new PropertyInfo();
RepInfo.getPropertyInfo(i, info);
Log.d("Info", + " : " + RepInfo.getProperty(i).toString());
//which gives the following message in LogCat
D/Info(716): Login : InCorrectLogin
D/Info(716): Password : InCorrectPass
This process works, as by the last loop I get the two objects I want but I just feel like there's a cleaner way of doing this. I only ask because as I get further into this App there will be some more complex Web Service calls being made and I want to be able to have something that is reusable throughout the app instead of having to build several SoapObjects for each request just to get down to the objects I want.
There are 2 ways to parse object from web service:
First, assume you are a web service owner or creator, you can make web service return a Json string, then from client, you can create an entity map to Json, and Json library will take care parsing for you.
Second: web service usually response many complex objects, so you can make entities to map with these objects.
You can follow this tutorial to understand how to map a simple object, then go to my answer from this question to know parsing the complex object.
It's just something like this:
HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(SERVER_URL);, envelope);// call
Entity entity = (Entity)envelope.bodyIn;