I am trying to use Google Analytics iOS in my project, that supports iOS 4.0 onwards and looking at the Google Analytics resources page I can see that version 1.5 they support architecture armv6 and not armv7, and on 1.5.1 they added support to armv7 but removed armv6.
So if my project supports both architecture, and I try to use 1.5.1, I get an error on the linker:
ld: file is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv6 slice: libGoogleAnalytics.a for architecture armv6
If I remove armv6 from my project supported architecture list, it compiles fine, works on device and simulator, but then later on I will get an error when submitting to apple store, the validator says:
at least one of the following architectures must be present: armv6.
Is there any way to create a version of the lib with both armv6 and armv7?
I ended up changing the minimum version of the iOS (iOS Development Target) to 4.3 so it passed the validation and submission to apple store (4.2.5 and above will not need armv6).
However, after some research, I found out that the 1.5 version (there was no link to the tgz, but it was easy to guess given the latest 1.5.1: http://dl.google.com/gaformobileapps/GoogleAnalyticsiOS_1.5.tar.gz ) did contain support to armv7, as contrary stated by their change log.
By using otool, I could verify the supported architectures in the static library, and the project compiled and linked fine with this 1.5 version.