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Generate Makefile using GYP on Mac OS X?

What do I need to do to get GYP to generate your typical unix-like makefile stack for Mac OS X?

I currently get it to generate XCode build projects using the following config file:

  "targets": [
      "target_name": "hello",
      'type': 'executable',
      "sources": [ "" ]

and then run the following at the CLI:

gyp --depth binding.gyp

This generates a directory: binding.xcodeproj which contains the XCode project.

I rather want your standard unix-like make build for OSX. Also, I'm going to want to import this project to Windows, which I'll want to use the MS compiler.


  • Found the answer. Quite simple, really. Thank you to TooTallNate. I was getting an error the way I was originally doing it. You do it explicitly like so:

    gyp --depth=./ binding.gyp --format=make