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UINavigationBar appearance in RubyMotion not working

I'm trying to customize the navigation bar in a RubyMotion app but can't seem to change the title text font or color. I can set the background image and tint but not the title attributes.

class AppDelegate
  def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions)

    @window = UIWindow.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds)

    navigationBar = UINavigationBar.appearance
    #navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage.imageNamed('navigation-bar-background.png'), forBarMetrics: UIBarMetricsDefault)
      UITextAttributeFont: UIFont.fontWithName('Trebuchet MS', size:24),
      UITextAttributeTextShadowColor: UIColor.colorWithWhite(0.0, alpha:0.4),
      UITextAttributeTextColor: UIColor.blueColor
    puts navigationBar.titleTextAttributes.inspect

    @window.rootViewController = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController(MainMenuController.alloc.init)
    @window.rootViewController.wantsFullScreenLayout = true


The console output shows this for the inspect statement:

 :UITextAttributeTextShadowColor=>UIColor.color(0x0, 0.0),

So it appears that everything is being set correctly but all I get is the standard blue navigation bar with white text.


  • UITextAttributeFont, etc. are actual constants, but when you use them in a newer Ruby 1.9-style hash assignment, it's converting them to symbols.

    The easiest way around this is to use the older hash-rocket assignment style (make sure to not put colons in front of the UIText... items):

      UITextAttributeFont => UIFont.fontWithName('Trebuchet MS', size:24),
      UITextAttributeTextShadowColor => UIColor.colorWithWhite(0.0, alpha:0.4),
      UITextAttributeTextColor => UIColor.blueColor