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How does System.Text.Encoding class work?

In .NET, there is a class called System.Text.Encoding in mscorlib. But when you do System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, you can access the ASCII encoding class.

At first, I thiught this was a class in a class kind of thing:

class Encoding {
    class ASCII { ... }

But what is confusing is that you can also use System.Text.ASCIIEncoding to access the same functions.

Not being able to decompile .NET (as .NET Reflector costs money and I don't understand IL that well [so no ildasm]), I can't wrap my head around how the two classes are equal. Could it be something like this?

class ASCIIEncoding {
    internal ASCIIEncoding() { ... }
    /* static functions */
static class Encoding {
    public static readonly ASCIIEncoding ASCII = new ASCIIEncoding();

This seems like the most likely way, but the function prototype is

public static Encoding ASCII { get; }

Returning a class deriviated from Encoding doesn't make sense as Encoding is a class with the Encoding types (ASCII, UTF-(7/8/16/32), etc.), so that means that ASCIIEncoding would need those variables also, no?

Can anyone help clear up this confusion?


  • Returning a class deriviated from Encoding doesn't make sense as Encoding is a class with the Encoding types (ASCII, UTF-(7/8/16/32), etc.), so that means that ASCIIEncoding would need those variables also, no?

    No, because Encoding.ASCII etc are static properties, presumably backed by static fields (although that's an implementation detail - the property could just create a new instance each time, or there could be a static internal field within ASCIIEncoding which it uses, etc).

    It's just like this:

    public class BaseClass
        private readonly static BaseClass firstDerived = new FirstDerived();
        private readonly static BaseClass secondDerived = new SecondDerived();
        public static BaseClass First
            get { return firstDerived; } 
        public static BaseClass Second
            get { return secondDerived; } 
    public class FirstDerived : BaseClass {}
    public class SecondDerived : BaseClass {}

    That's complete code - albeit useless in terms of the derived classes actually doing anything. Make sure you understand every bit of how that works, and then just apply it to Encoding...