Is there a smart way grab Values from a 2d Array in Pairs and additionally to that the last number in the row?
My Data (saved in a file) look something similar to this:
0 89 27 100 42 75 8
0 100 7 92 5 68 6
0 67 49 83 100 100 2
35 76 57 100 100 92 5
18 68 50 54 100 19 3
After loading this Data into Matlab I need to group up the Data into Tuples by always taking the Pairs. In this Example it would be:
After the pairing the Data (or meanwhile), I need to add the last Number in the row to the Pairs. The Previous mentioned Data would be altered followingly:
How would be a smart way to solve this? I personally dislike the extensive use of Loops and think there is a nicer Solution.
Edit: This should do the trick.
M=[0 89 27 100 42 75 8
0 100 7 92 5 68 6
0 67 49 83 100 100 2
35 76 57 100 100 92 5
18 68 50 54 100 19 3]
X = M(:,1:end-1)
Y = M(:,end)
idxOdd = mod(1:size(X,2),2)==1
Yrep = repmat(Y,1,sum(idxOdd))
[Xodd(:) Xeven(:) Yrep(:)]