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the type or namespace name 'directx' does not exist in the namespace 'microsoft'

I have been trying to include DirectX in C sharp project (Visual Studio 2010). I installed DirectX SDK and included the components as:

using Microsoft.DirectX;
using Microsoft.DirextX.Direct3D;

When I try to compile, I get the error: the type or namespace name 'directx' does not exist in the namespace 'microsoft'

Some blogs mentioned that I need to add 'reference' - Microsoft.DirectX under '.NET' tab. But I couldn't find it over there. Neither was any facility to add it to the tab.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.


  • This was deprecated a long time ago. The last Direct SDK that still has the managed wrappers is February 2010. The download is available here. You'll get to pick the references you are looking for after you install that one.

    Better not to use it, no future, look at something like the open source SlimDX or SharpDX projects.