I need to find a solution to write Mifare Classic 1 K Tag with Custom Key. I am unable to write it, I have tried with every option but unfortunately all the time I get the error "IOException: Transceive Failed".
Below is my code snippet:
byte custom_key[]={
// 16 bytes of Data. Otherwise it was throwing IllegalArgumentException .
byte[] data="Hello world of N".getBytes();
if(getMfc().authenticateSectorWithKeyA(4, custom_key)) {
getMfc().writeBlock(3, data); // Here I receive IOException all the time.
} else {
Please help me in this regard. I need to write Mifare Classic 1 K Tag with my own key.
You authenticate to sector 4 and then you try to write to block 3. Block 3 is in sector 0, so this will always fail. Try authenticating to sector 0 instead.
BTW: Please, don't write random data to a sector trailer (such as block 3). It will likely lock up the sector with no way to recover.