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Targeting WP7 async powered projects in Visual Studio 2012

Is it possible to use async stuff in Windows Phone 8.0 SDK (Visual Studio 2012) and still targeting Windows Phone 7.1?

I installed Windows Phone 8.0 SDK and opened my WP7.1 project with references to AsyncCTP nuget package. The following compilation error occurs:

Cannot find all types required by the 'async' modifier. Are you targeting the wrong framework version, or missing a reference to an assembly?

I do not want to drop support of WP7.1, so upgrade to WP8 is not an option.


  • It is possible using the latest version of the async CTP. You can find it on NuGet at Microsoft.Bcl.Async.

    More information on the BCL Team blog:

    Note: The installation of this NuGet package seems a bit random. I had to try twice to make it work.