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How to deserialize xml using XStream in spring mvc

Im receiving this


my dispatcher looks like this

<bean id="annotatedMarshaller" class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.AnnotationXStreamMarshaller">
    <property name="annotatedClasses">

And here I try to use the unmarchal method from XstreamMarshaller and return the Object to cast

public static Object deserializeXml(String xml)  {

    StringReader sr =new StringReader(xml);
    StreamSource ss=new StreamSource(sr);

    Object o=null;
    try {

        o = xStreamMarshaller.unmarshal(ss);

    } catch (XmlMappingException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return o;

The problem came when I realized that the unmarshal method marshals the given object to a given javax.xml.transform.Result and not a simple String as the fromXml method from XStream.

thanks to THIS i figured out how to get a Result Object from a String, but not sure if is the best way to do it.


  • Totally agree with thought that spring should handle all marshaling/unmarshalling stuff. Everything you need is to declare XStreamMarshaller as one of message converters. That can be achieved via mvc:annotation section:

          <!-- Your XStream converter. -->

    or via AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter:

            <property name="messageConverters">
                    <!-- Your XStream converter. -->