I have to move an image using jQuery / Javascript exactly like this url
I have done similar to this using my own logic. But it gets cut for smaller / bigger image either at the top or at the bottom. Or It moves completely at the bottom and doesn't move completely at the top or vice-versa.
http://jsfiddle.net/N2k6M/ (Please move the horizontal scrollbar to view full image.)
Can anyone please suggest me / Fix my code here, so that my mousemove functionality works perfectly fine and upper / lower part of image moves properly.
I need a seamless movement of image just like in the original url.
<div id="oheight" style="z-index:1000;position:absolute;">123</div> , <div id="yheight" style="z-index:1000;position:absolute;">123</div>
<img id="avatar" src="http://chaikenclothing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/11.jpg![enter image description here][2]" style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script lang="javascript">
var doc_height = $(document).height();
function updateAvatarPosition( e )
var avatar = document.getElementById("avatar");
var yheight = parseInt(e.y);
var ywidth = e.x;
//avatar.style.left = e.x + "px";
avatar.style.top = '-'+(yheight) + "px";
avatar.style.top = '-'+e.x + "px";
document.getElementById("avatar").onmousemove = updateAvatarPosition;
see http://jsfiddle.net/N2k6M/7/
function updateAvatarPosition( e )
var img_height = $('#avatar').height();
var window_height = $(window).height();
var factor = (img_height - window_height) / window_height;
if(factor > 1) {
var avatar = document.getElementById("avatar");
var yheight = parseInt(e.clientY);
avatar.style.top = '-'+(yheight * factor) + "px";