I am using cpp-netlib-0.9.4 with Visual Studio 2010. I have a function make_header which is like this:
http::client::request* Interface::make_request_header(const string& uri) {
string url = host_ + uri;
string json_type = "application/json";
http::client::request* req = new http::client::request(url);
req->add_header(make_pair("X-AUTH-TOKEN", token_));
req->add_header(make_pair("Content-Type", json_type));
req->add_header(make_pair("Accepts", json_type));
return req;
A get request works perfectly fine, which is something like:
http::client client;
http::client::request* req = make_request_header(my_uri);
http::client::response res = client.get(*req);
But a POST request throws an exception/core-dump. I have checked it multiple times otherwise and it seems to work every time on chrome dev http client extension. The URL I use for post request is:
http://myhost.com/commands?query=my query
In the above example, I try
http::client client;
http::client::request* req = make_request_header("http://myhost.com/commands?query=my query");
http::client::response res = client.post(*req); // FAILS AT THIS STEP.
Any ideas why?
A query parameter can not contain spaces, you have to URL-encode it.
Space is %20
to your query should look like