I have an array of dictionaries that I would like to go through to find a matching value that I can then Count == Nth item of the array
Each item of the array looks like this
HMOD = 0;
MID = 39;
MOD = SOMETHING; // looking for this value
ID = 50;
So I would like to create a loop that goes through the array until it finds the matching value, then I use the number in the count as an reference to Index path in the next view..
I have written this peice of code which dosnt work... but hopefully it gives you an idea of the loop I am trying to create.
int count = 0;
while (singleName != [[ModArray valueForKey:@"MOD"] objectAtIndex:count]) {
count ++;
NSLog(@"%i", count);
SingleName is a NSString that I am using to match the MOD value in ModArray... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a simpler solution by using valueForKey
on the array of dictionaries,
Assuming that your modArray
is like this,
NSArray *modArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"0" forKey:@"HMOD"],
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"39" forKey:@"MID"],
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"something" forKey:@"MOD"],
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"50" forKey:@"ID"], nil];
And singleName
has a value as "something"
NSString *singleName = @"something";
Fetch the array
from modArray
which has an object with key as "MOD"
NSArray *array = [modArray valueForKey:@"MOD"];
Check if singleName
is present in this array
. If yes, then get the first index of that object which will be same as the index of dictionary with key "MOD
" in modArray
if ([array containsObject:singleName]) {
NSLog(@"%d", [array indexOfObject:singleName]);
} else {
NSLog(@"%@ is not present in the array", singleName);
If you want to do it in your way, only mistake was you were using !=
whereas you should have used isEqualToString
. You should have done like this,
int count = 0;
while (![singleName isEqualToString:[[modArray valueForKey:@"MOD"] objectAtIndex:count]]) {
count ++;
NSLog(@"%i", count);