We have a Foxpro exe application that is shared in a server and about 20 users run it. One colleague told me that if those dbf tables need to be reindexed, he should tell everybody to leave the exe application. If reindex process starts and some user is still running that application, then dbf tables will get corrupted.
That was intriguing me. Is that possible? Always thought that when reindexing a Foxprox DBF table, the process itself open table in exclusive mode and if table is already open in shared mode, it just did nothing to that table. Similar with PAK.
While I agree that FoxPro tables can get corrupt, it is impossible from the situation you described. To reindex, you must have exclusive use of the table. Either you get a file lock or you don't:
Here is a list of most likely culprits of table corruption. There is mention of file locking problems, but that has to do with tables that include memo fields. These tables actually consist of 2 files (the DBF [table] and the FPT [memo]). I've had apps run for years without any corruption whatsoever.