I'm trying to read name, card number, expiry date etc on Credit Card. but always return 6d00
when call SCardTransmit
I'm using pre-define AID, which i have googled to be valid (correct me if i'm wrong). here's the are :
Thanks in advance.
I am not familiar with this API you are using, but you will have to send the following sequence of APDU commands:
Usually in the same record you will have stored the Cardholder name, PAN and Track 2 discretionary data (in which is contained the expiration date).
The tags are listed in Book 3.
Application Primary Account Number (PAN) - 5A Cardholder name - 5F20 Track 2 Discretionary Data - 9F20
Usefull info about Track 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_stripe_card
A sample of the sequence above: http://code.google.com/p/javaemvreader/wiki/ExampleOutput
EMV Specs: http://www.emvco.com/specifications.aspx?id=223
The possible return codes, such as 61XX, 9000, etc are listed in ISO 7816. Here's a good overview: http://www.cardwerk.com/smartcards/smartcard_standard_ISO7816-4_5_basic_organizations.aspx