Search code examples

Does OLEDB 12.0 support FULL OUTER JOIN?


Error: IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005).
Syntax error in FROM clause. 


Select * from [tbl Proctors$] p 
FULL OUTER JOIN [tbl Proctor History$] h 
ON p.Unique = h.Unique

The intriguing part is that the query works on LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN but not with FULL OUTER JOIN.

Any clue?


  • Try it without the OUTER keyword:

    Select * from [tbl Proctors$] p 
    FULL JOIN [tbl Proctor History$] h 
    ON p.Unique = h.Unique

    Just a guess. If that doesn't help, please revise your question and identify the database you are connecting to with OLEDB. This might be a setting on the data provider configuration.