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Yii nested set to dropdown menu

I'm using Yii nested set behavior, which helps me to keep my categories nested as seen here (nevermind title rows, they are in russian): enter image description here

And all I want to do is to have Bootstrap nested menu, which should be like this:

    $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
    $criteria->order = 'root, lft';
    $categories = Category::model()->findAll($criteria);
    foreach($categories as $i => $category) {
      $items[$i]['label'] = $category->title;
      $items[$i]['url'] = $category->url;
      $items[$i]['active'] = false;
      $items[$i]['items'] = array(
        array('label'=>'123', 'url'=>'#'),
        array('label'=>'123', 'url'=>'#'),
        array('label'=>'123', 'url'=>'#', 'items'=>array(
            array('label'=>'1234', 'url'=>'#'),
            array('label'=>'1234', 'url'=>'#'),
            array('label'=>'1234', 'url'=>'#', 'items'=>array(
                array('label'=>'1234', 'url'=>'#'),
                array('label'=>'1234', 'url'=>'#'),
                array('label'=>'1234', 'url'=>'#'),
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbMenu', array(
    'stacked'=>false, // whether this is a stacked menu

I don't understand how to get this done, btw I read this topic and just don't know how actually apply this function to my problem. Appreciate any help.


  • Finally, my own recursive solution (works with multiple roots):

        public function getTreeRecursive() {
        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
        $criteria->order = 'root, lft';
        $criteria->condition = 'level = 1';
        $categories = Category::model()->findAll($criteria);
        foreach($categories as $n => $category) {
            $category_r = array(
            $this->category_tree[$n] = $category_r;
            $children = $category->children()->findAll();
                $this->category_tree[$n]['items'] = $this->getChildren($children);
        return $this->category_tree;
    private function getChildren($children) {
        $result = array();
        foreach($children as $i => $child) {
            $category_r = array(
            $result[$i] = $category_r;
            $new_children = $child->children()->findAll();
            if($new_children) {
                $result[$i]['items'] = $this->getChildren($new_children);
        return $result_items = $result;