I'm making an space invaders in Assembly 8086, for testing I'm using DOSBox. Let me show you my code:
;Update hero
call vsync
call update_hero ; method to read keyboard
call set_video
call clear_screen
call draw_hero
jmp update
Now the procedure update_hero is:
update_hero proc
mov ah, 01h
int 16h
cmp al, 97
je left_pressed
cmp al, 100
jne none_pressed
inc hero_x
dec hero_x
update_hero endp
As you can see, I'm trying to read 'a' or 'd' for the movement, but, it's not working, can you help me to figure out why?
What I'm trying to do is read from the keyboard without waiting for it, that's why I'm using the subfunction ah, 01h
I checked for the interrupts here, modified the code, and now it's working:
update_hero proc
mov ah, 01h ; checks if a key is pressed
int 16h
jz end_pressed ; zero = no pressed
mov ah, 00h ; get the keystroke
int 16h
cmp al, 65
je left_pressed
cmp al, 97
je left_pressed
cmp al, 68
je right_pressed
cmp al, 100
je right_pressed
cmp al, 81
je quit_pressed
cmp al, 113
je quit_pressed
jmp end_pressed
sub hero_x, 2
jmp end_pressed
add hero_x, 2
jmp end_pressed
jmp exit
update_hero endp
You are just checking if there is a character available, but are not actually reading the character from the buffer. So the next time you check, it is still there.
From this page on BIOS functions http://webpages.charter.net/danrollins/techhelp/0230.HTM
INT 16H, AH=1
Info: Checks to see if a key is available in the keyboard buffer, and
if so, returns its keycode in AX. It DOES NOT remove the
keystroke from the buffer.