I would like to customise the add to cart and actual checkout processes of the latest version virtuemart and Joomla 2.5.
The first thing i want to do is to change it so that when a product is added to the cart, instead of the JS popup box i want it to redirect straight the the first stage of the checkout.
Then i want to split the checkout into 4 pages starting with the user entering their details, then viewing the cart, payment and confirmation of the order.
I'm not expecting step by step instructions, just pointing the right direction.
You Can work like this,
First of all you need to redirect the add to cart to another page.then go to admin configuration.
VM->configuration->checkout->Display modal popup upon 'Add to cart' uncheck this.
then you will get first page (step of cart) ie, default_pricelist.php for VM2 and above. Next step you can achieve with cart controller cart.php.
This step is involving selection of billing and shipping address you can find the files under view/users/ two functions in controller select BT and ST.
Also here you can define new steps by creating layout under cart view and use the cart controller. The final step including the layout order_done.php
Best of luck.