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when i install ojdbc6.jar,i got this error,i don't know how to resolve it

I want to install oracle plugin--ojdbc6.jar. when i run these command:

cd D:\sakai3\nakamura\contrib\oracle-jdbc-6
mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=org.sakaiproject.nakamura.ojdbc.jar
mvn -P clean install
cd D:\sakai3\nakamura
mvn clean install
cd D:\sakai3\nakamura\contrib\csu
mvn clean package

when i run the last one command i got this error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project edu.nyu.launchpad: Could not resolve d
ependencies for project edu.nyu:edu.nyu.launchpad:jar:1.4.2: The following artif
acts could not be resolved:
0, org.sakaiproject.nakamura:org.sakaiproject.nakamura.ojdbc:jar:app:1.4.0, edu.
nyu:edu.nyu.launchpad:jar:app:1.4.2: Could not find artifact
ven-launchpad-plugin:jar:app:2.1.0 in maven repo (
) -> [Help 1]

this is my pom:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""


    <name>NYU Launchpad</name>



                                    <startLevel>30</startLevel> </bundle>

i am very sorry about my English. I am a Chinese.Please forgive my broken English and my unclear Expression.Sorry!And Thank you!


  • First of all you can remove the dependency on the maven-launchpad-plugin. I cannot see any rational reason for it to be bundled at all. Or am I missing something? The error you get is quite clear about this:

    Could not find artifact

    The plugin is used during your build and not needed as a dependency. Remove the following:


    As a side-mark you should not pick up resources outside of the project like you do with this:


    The resources should be contained withing the project.