I had checked some apps on iTunes, in supported devices some were showing "Optimized for iPhone 5" & in some it was normal iPhone 5. Is there is differecne between this two.
How iTunes will comes to know whether app is optimized for iphone 5 or not.
My app is running well on iPhone 5 simulator. Is that means my app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Edit: I have not tested my app on device. On simulator bcoz of the small screen size I have to scroll to see the entire screen. How can I optimize my app for iphone 5.
Optimized for iPhone 5 apps are the one which are utilizing the complete screen area in iPhone 5. Normal apps are still compatible with iPhone 5 with a black strip available on top and bottom of the screen to compensate for extra screen space. You need to include Default-568h@2x.png
in the code for getting full screen in iPhone 5. And of course you need to handle all the screen changes programmatically for iphone 4 and iphone 5 since iPhone 5 has more height. Without adding Default-568h@2x.png
it will show a black strip on top and bottom of the screen in iPhone 5 to show the app with same size as of the app which is available in iPhone 4. For more details please check How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution? In order to see the app in simulator, go to hardware menu -> Device -> select iPhone (Retina - 4 inch) and run your app. Once the simulator is launched like this, you can press command button + 2 or 3
to make it smaller so that it fits your screen. You dont have to scroll that way. To make it back to the larger view press command + 1
. The same thing can be changed through window menu -> Scale option.