I'm creating a list component with different numbers on each label ranging from 1 to 10. When clicked on a number I need it to bring up that many inputtext boxes one after another..
It's pretty much a multiplayer game that you select how many players are playing, then you input each name.. I'm so stuck it's ridiculous.. if anyone has a solution, or a different idea please help me out, thank you so much in advance.
There are numerous ways to accomplish this.
Flash Professional approach
Author your view on the art board of Flash Professional.
Include a list control, as well as text boxes you want to display, such as:
Give property names to your components, such as quantityList
for the list as well as answer text input controls, such as answer1
inside an answerBoxes
custom symbol.
In code, you could control the visibility of your answer view by adding this to the timeline:
import flash.events.Event;
quantityList.addItem({label:"1", data:1});
quantityList.addItem({label:"2", data:2});
quantityList.addItem({label:"3", data:3});
quantityList.addItem({label:"4", data:4});
quantityList.addItem({label:"5", data:5});
quantityList.addItem({label:"6", data:6});
quantityList.addItem({label:"7", data:7});
quantityList.addItem({label:"8", data:8});
quantityList.addItem({label:"9", data:9});
quantityList.addItem({label:"10", data:10});
quantityList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeHandler);
function changeHandler(event:Event):void
var numberOfQuestions = event.target.selectedItem.data as int;
answerBoxes.answer1.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 0 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer2.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 1 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer3.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 2 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer4.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 3 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer5.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 4 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer6.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 5 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer7.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 6 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer8.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 7 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer9.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 8 ? true : false);
answerBoxes.answer10.visible = (numberOfQuestions > 9 ? true : false);
When you run, you can select items from the list:
Flash Pro CS5.5 FLA source code
Flex - A programmatic approach
Store quantity values in the list data provider, and on change iterate adding elements:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<s:HorizontalLayout />
import mx.collections.ArrayList;
import spark.components.TextInput;
import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;
protected function quantityList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
for (var i:uint = 0; i < quantityList.selectedItem; i++)
textInputGroup.addElement(new TextInput());
<s:List id="quantityList"
dataProvider="{new ArrayList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])}" />
<s:VGroup id="textInputGroup" />
Flex - A declarative appraoch
Using Flex state system, you could declaratively layout your view then include components in the desired states. You could also incorporate transitions between states for animation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<s:HorizontalLayout />
import mx.collections.ArrayList;
import spark.components.TextInput;
import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;
protected function quantityList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
currentState = "quantity" + quantityList.selectedItem.toString();
<s:State name="quantity1" />
<s:State name="quantity2" />
<s:State name="quantity3" />
<s:State name="quantity4" />
<s:State name="quantity5" />
<s:State name="quantity6" />
<s:State name="quantity7" />
<s:State name="quantity8" />
<s:State name="quantity9" />
<s:State name="quantity10" />
<s:List id="quantityList"
dataProvider="{new ArrayList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])}" />
<s:VGroup id="textInputGroup">
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity1,quantity2,quantity3,quantity4,quantity5,quantity6,quantity7,quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity2,quantity3,quantity4,quantity5,quantity6,quantity7,quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity3,quantity4,quantity5,quantity6,quantity7,quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity4,quantity5,quantity6,quantity7,quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity5,quantity6,quantity7,quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity6,quantity7,quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity7,quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity8,quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity9,quantity10" />
<s:TextInput includeIn="quantity10" />