I'm using PHP with php active record. When i retrieve a record from the database the attributes are listed as private. I need to iterate over the attributes and retrieve the key => value pair. How can this be done?
$row = \Models\Locations::find(2);
Models\Locations Object
[errors] =>
[attributes:ActiveRecord\Model:private] => Array
[id] => 2
[customer_id] => 6
[name] => test location
[address_line1] => 123 test Drive
[address_line2] =>
[city] => Moon Township
[state] => AZ
[zip] => 12345
[country] => USA
[primary_phone_number] => 123.456.7890
[latitude] => 0
[longitude] => 0
[coordinate_precision] =>
[__dirty:ActiveRecord\Model:private] => Array
[__readonly:ActiveRecord\Model:private] =>
[__relationships:ActiveRecord\Model:private] => Array
[__new_record:ActiveRecord\Model:private] =>
Just use the model's method attributes: