If I run a GroovyScript like this:
def gs=new GroovyShell()
gs.evaluate("print square(10)")
It works just fine. The problem is that I want the "Square" function to also be compiled. I've tried this:
def gs=new GroovyShell()
gs.evaluate("print square(10)")
but it doesn't work, I'm pretty sure it's because the "Script" object returned by gs.parse doesn't act like a closure--but I don't want to change the syntax of the second string--If I did there would be plenty of solutions...
Any ideas?
EDIT: After writing this I realized that it would be possible to simply concatenate the two strings and parse them once, so every time I wanted to run a script that uses the square() function I'd have to prepend the text "def square(x){x*x)\n" to the script...
I can do this but it seems a little flakey so I'm still open to other answers.
Very close!
You need to use evaluate
rather than parse to get a Closure back from the GroovyShell to pass as the variable square
def gs=new GroovyShell()
gs.setVariable( 'square', gs.evaluate( '{ x -> x * x }' ) )
gs.evaluate( 'print square(10)' )
Found this kinda cool, and got carried away... You can have closures depending on each other like so:
def varMap = [
square: '{ x -> x * x }',
pyth: '{ x, y -> Math.sqrt( square( x ) + square( y ) ) }'
// Create a map of name->Closure set each into the shell
// in turn, so later Closures can depend on earlier ones in
// the list
varMap = new GroovyShell().with { shell ->
varMap.collectEntries { name, func ->
// Get the closure
def fn = shell.evaluate( func )
// Set it into this current shell
shell.setVariable( name, fn )
// And return the Entry name->Closure
[ (name): fn ]
// Ok, this is what we want to run
def command = 'println pyth( 3, 4 )'
new GroovyShell().with { shell ->
// Set all the vars up
varMap.each { name, fn ->
shell.setVariable( name, fn )
// Then run the command
shell.evaluate( command )