I have an app which is running ok when started from Python. I would like to use pyapp for packaging it on MAC OS 10.6.8.
The app is a small embedded webapp running with bottle microframework. It has been packages successfully on windows with py2exe.
I have the following py2app script
The setup.py py2app seems to be ok. I've a generated app file and I can see that it contains the right code. Hello, I have an app which is running ok when started from Python. I would like to use pyapp for packaging it on MAC OS 10.6.8.
The app is a small embedded webapp running with bottle microframework. It has been packages successfully on windows with py2exe.
I have the following py2app script
The setup.py py2app seems to be ok. I've a generated app file and I can see that it contains the right code.
from setuptools import setup
import sys, os, os.path
wapp_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
app = [
'argv_emulation': True,
"includes":["shelve", "dbhash", "sqlite3", "waitress", "runpy_imports", "bottle_sqlalchemy"],
"packages": ["sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite", "sqlalchemy", "nsav_wapp"],
Unfortunately, the app fails on startup. Here is the traceback:
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] argvemulator warning: fetching events failed
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] Traceback (most recent call last):
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] File "/Users/luc/Dev/nelly_signe_avec_vous/nsav/nsav_mac/dist/nsav_ws.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 340, in <module>
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] _run()
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] File "/Users/luc/Dev/nelly_signe_avec_vous/nsav/nsav_mac/dist/nsav_ws.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 311, in _run
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] exec(compile(source, path, 'exec'), globals(), globals())
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] File "/Users/luc/Dev/nelly_signe_avec_vous/nsav/nsav_mac/dist/nsav_ws.app/Contents/Resources/nsav_ws.py", line 2
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126]
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] ^
25/10/12 16:55:53 [0x0-0x118118].org.pythonmac.unspecified.nsav_ws[5126] SyntaxError: invalid syntax
25/10/12 16:55:53 nsav_ws[5126] nsav_ws Error
I've entered an issue on py2app project page but I would appreciate if some of you have any ideas that may help to fix it.
here is the start of the program:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 text
from dewapp.utils import is_exe
import sys, os, os.path, shutil
The problem was caused by windows line ending in the python code. Turning it into unix line ending fixed the issue. See https://bitbucket.org/ronaldoussoren/py2app/issue/70/generated-app-fails-due-to-syntax-error