I have this MATLAB function which receives the following input:
A=[0 1; 0 -1];
B=[0; 1]
C=[-1 1];
Here is the code:
function [ T ] = transferMAtrix( A, B, C )
[n n] = size(A);
And transferMAtrix(A, B, C) returns the following output:
1/(s + 1) - 1/(s*(s + 1))
My questions is: is there a method to make those fractions have the same denominator so that the output would be:
>> syms s
>> T=1/(s + 1) - 1/(s*(s + 1))
T =
1/(s + 1) - 1/(s*(s + 1))
>> [n,d]=numden(T)
n =
s - 1
d =
s^2 + s
>> T=n/d
T =
(s - 1)/(s^2 + s)