I'm using this code to acquire the scanned image from WIA:
wiaFormatJPEG = '{B96B3CAE-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}';
wiaFormatPNG = '{B96B3CAF-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}';
CommonDialog: ICommonDialog;
AImage: IImageFile;
i: Integer;
CommonDialog := CreateOleObject('WIA.CommonDialog') as ICommonDialog;
for i := 1 to Scanner.Properties.Count do
if (Scanner.Properties[i].Name = 'Horizontal Resolution') or
(Scanner.Properties[i].Name = 'Vertical Resolution') then
else if Scanner.Properties[i].Name = 'Horizontal Extent' then
Scanner.Properties[i].Set_Value(Round(8.27 * 72))
else if Scanner.Properties[i].Name = 'Vertical Extent' then
Scanner.Properties[i].Set_Value(Round(11.00 * 72));
AImage := IUnknown(CommonDialog.ShowTransfer(Scanner, wiaFormatPNG, True)) as IImageFile;
//Save the image
AImage.SaveFile('D:\1.' + AImage.FileExtension);
imgImage.Picture.LoadFromFile('D:\1.' + AImage.FileExtension);
DeleteFile('D:\1.' + AImage.FileExtension);
is initialized using this code:
Scanner := DevMgr.DeviceInfos[Integer(cbWIASource.Items.Objects[cbWIASource.ItemIndex])].Connect.Items[1];
And DevMgr
and cbWIASource
are initialized using this code:
DevMgr := CreateOleObject('WIA.DeviceManager') as IDeviceManager;
for i := 1 to DevMgr.DeviceInfos.Count do
for j := 1 to DevMgr.DeviceInfos[i].Properties.Count do
if DevMgr.DeviceInfos[i].Properties[j].Name = 'Name' then
cbWIASource.Items.AddObject(DevMgr.DeviceInfos[i].Properties[j].Get_Value, TObject(i));
I was wondering if there is a way to copy the scanned document without first saving it to the disk. I read on MSDN that I can access ARGBData
member of ImageFile
to access pixel data, but is there a simple way to copy the entire image from FileData
to TBitmap
? For instance, can I use a TMemoryStream
Just as an update, I found this example on MSDN. I know nothing about VB, but I guess the Picture
object is a wrapper around HBITMAP
. So, is it logical to conclude that the ImageFile.Picture
property is what I need?
IImageFile has a property FileData with provides access to the binary image data, via IVector.BinaryData