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Can I have R vignette with a pre-compiled PDF with manual index.html show up the vignette list?

I want to include a pre-compiled PDF as a vignette in a R package. The PDF is not generated via Sweave. Without a .Rnw to process, there is no \VignetteIndexEntry to cause the usual automatic generation of index.html and Meta/vignette.rds.

I created an index.html in inst/doc that is copied into doc during installation. This is corrected linked from the main package help page. However, when I load the package and execute browseVignettes("MyPackage"), I get

No vignettes found by browseVignettes("MyPackage")

This makes sense, because R apparently has no way to know that the package has a vignette. The installed package has no Meta/vignette.rds file. Can I somehow get my PDF to appear with browseVignettes()?


I'm familiar with the approach taken by the mosaic package, which is to use pdfpages to include the entire PDF. While clever, I feel like there should be a better way that avoids the proliferation of files.


  • Right after Yihui....

    Make a fake Rnw that looks like this:

    %\VignetteIndexEntry{User manual}

    And put it in inst/doc along side your precompiled vignette and you will be all set.