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Accessing ScriptManager proxies in code

I have a situation where I'd like to add a "last modified" timestamp to the paths of my js files (ex. "custom.js?2009082020091417") that are referenced in my ScriptManager (contained in my MasterPage) and in any ScriptManagerProxies (content pages).

I can easily get access to the ScriptManager in code and then iterate through it's Scripts collection to get the Script paths that I've set declaratively and then "set" a new path with the tacked on "?[lastmodifiedtimestamp]".

The problem is, I can't figure out how to get to any ScriptManagerProxies that may exist.

When debugging, I can see the proxies in the non-public members (._proxies). I've looked through the documentation and can't see where you can actually publicly access this collection.

Am I'm missing something?

I have the following code in the base class of my content page's Page_PreRenderComplete event:

ScriptManager sm = ScriptManager.GetCurrent((Page)this);
if(sm != null)
     foreach (ScriptReference sr in sm.Scripts)
         string fullpath = Server.MapPath(sr.Path);
         sr.PathWithVersion(fullpath); //extension method that sets "new" script path

The above code gives me the one script I have defined in my MasterPage, but not the two other scripts I have defined in the ScriptManagerProxy of my content page.


  • Came up with a solution. Seems that the only place that all the merged scripts can be accessed is in the main ScriptManager's ResolveScriptReference event. In this event, for each script that has a defined path, I use an extension method that will tack on a "version number" based on the js file's last modified date. Now that my js files are "versioned", when I make a change to a js file, the browser will not cache an older version.

    Master Page Code:

     protected void scriptManager_ResolveScriptReference(object sender, ScriptReferenceEventArgs e)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Script.Path))

    Extension Method:

     public static void AddVersionToScriptPath(this ScriptReferenceEventArgs scrArg, string fullpath)
           string scriptpath = scrArg.Script.Path;
           if (File.Exists(fullpath))
               FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fullpath);
               scriptpath += "?" + fi.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm");
           scrArg.Script.Path = scriptpath;