I am using Resque to process some background jobs on a Rails application.
The thing is that clients can cancel this jobs, so:
If the job is still on the queue: dequeue it
Resque.dequeue(GitHub::Jobs::UpdateNetworkGraph, 'repo:135325')
If the job has finished: do nothing
If the job is running: ???
Is there a way to programmatically find the job and in case it is running tell it to stop immediatly? My main concern is to be sure that I kill the desired job, not the current one being processed as it could be a different one form the moment I ask if it is running until the moment I kill it.
I dont think that resque store the process id
of the fork process, it does
it though but I dont it store the process id of the child process forked
you can see over here in Line 139
With regard to your question of how extract the process id of the running resque job I think the way to do it inside your job itself using redis data-structure
so consider code below is your perform action for a job create using redis hash(running_process
) and add the current process_id
in it with the current timestamp
class MyJob
@queue = :myjob
def self.perform
field = Time.now.to_i
redis.hsetnx "running_process",field,Process.pid
### Rest of the code
#### when the code is about to finish
##remove the finish process from the
redis.hdel "running_process",field
Now you can get the list of all running process by simply querying redis "running_process" hash something like this
redis.hgetall "running_process"
Caveats over here If the resque
job fail then the process id would never be clean't from
the hash what ever you do just make sure you cross check the process id
you collect
from the redis hash is actually a running resque job
Hope this help