To add some content to a Django admin view of a model, I want to override the change_form.html
template. According to the documentation I would need to create a file change_form.html
in a the folder /project-path/templates/admin/appname/modelname/
. Of course I need to make sure, that this path is also available in TEMPLATE_DIRS
. Such a file could look like this:
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block after_field_sets %}
{% endblock %}
However, I make use of django-guardian to have object permissions. This Django app overrides change_form.html
as well (which works fine -- relevant source seems to be here), but Django doesn't pick up my template extension file (i.e. "SOME CONTENT" from the sample above isn't displayed). The blocks/parts I want to override are not the same ones that django-guardian overrides and eventually I want to have the additions to change_form.html
of django-guardion and of my template.
What am I doing wrong here? And is possible at all to have multiple applications overriding an admin template?
If it is of interest, this is my TEMPLATE_LOADERS
Also, django-guardian is the last app in the INSTALLED_APPS
One possible solution seems to be to explicitly define the inheritance chain by referring to and overriding django-guardian's template (defined here) and not Django's general change_form.html
. So instead of using
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
in the beginning of my custom template, I would need to use
{% extends "admin/guardian/model/change_form.html" %}
Also I would need to extend my GuardedModelAdmin
sub-class model to explicitly use my own template file as the change form template:
class MyModel(GuardedModelAdmin):
change_form_template = 'admin/appname/mymodel/change_form.html'
This works, but it adds a clear dependency to the template and the model. Of course, the model has this dependency anyway, but I would be interested if there is also a solution that refers only to the default change_form.html
-- however, I suspect that this is not really possible.